Crush your money goals

This workbook is designed to take you through the steps of analyzing your current spending, making a realistic plan and tracking your first month of that new budget!


Did you know that only 41% of Americans follow a budget? 

Most people state that they don’t know where to start or they feel completely overwhelmed with their money.

They claim that ignorance is bliss and that they just don’t what to know.

But budgeting can mean freedom for the things you really want in life?


Never have left over money?

Income minus Expenses is an equation that doesn’t actually work for our budgets because that isn’t the way the brain works. Our expenses will continue to expand until there is nothing leftover. 

This workbooks walks you through figuring out exactly what your expenses are so that you can actually hit goals and spend your money too! 

Feel like the word
Budget is too restrictive?

Budgeting doesn’t have to be restrictive. 

In this workbook, I take you step by step to analyze your current spending and decide what is the most important to you. We cut out the extra boring expenses so that you can still spending on those things you really really love! 

Little expenses sneak up on you?

You know those expenses that only happen once or twice a year that always seem to completely throw off your entire plan.

This workbook has a plan for that! Using the Yearly Overview Worksheet, you can go through the steps of figuring out when Amazon Prime, car insurance, and some of those other big expenses hit.

Knowledge is a big part of making a change to your finances! 

Feel guilt or anxiety when it comes to fun spending?

Have you ever been shopping and felt totally anxious about swiping your card, not knowing if you are going to spend the money you need for a bill or groceries!

No MORE guilt! 

The goal of this workbook is to create a set plan to cover all of the things (bills, groceries AND the fun!) 


Do you know how much debt you have?

Debt can be such a scary, emotional topic. It can be so shameful.. 

But it shouldn’t be.

70% of Americans have some form of debt. 

It is more normal to have debt than to not have debt. 

But life on the other side of debt can look so wonderful. 

This workbook gives you the steps and knowledge so that you can make a plan to get rid of some of your debt and live a better life?

Imagine 1 year from now...
What will your life look like if you take small
steps towards better finances?

fall in love with THE SAVVY Budget WORKBOOK

Define your dream life & Set your money goals

Total up your debt and Make a plan!

Month end spending

List savings goals

Track your income and expenses

Make a plan for the month, then budget out every paycheck!

For just $24... you can be confident

Rest easy knowing that you are setting up a better money system and you are well on your way to crushing your goals! This workbook was designed to flow from step to step of a budget without a lot of prior knowledge! You can plug in your numbers! 



Who am I?

Hi. My name is Elyse. I started my financial journey just weeks after turning 22. 

I had taken out a car loan (with my dad co-signing because I had ZERO credit) and got TWO new credit cards the week of my birthday.

I had no idea what I was doing with money.

The worst part, I made good money as a bartender but I was constantly feeling like I was struggling to pay my $600 in monthly bills.

Then my student loans came in the mail. They were coming out of their grace period because I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do.

I had no idea how I was going to pay the $180 in student loans every month. 

So many people told me, you can figure out your money after college.. or “when you get a real job.” 

I decided to get really serious with my money...

I knew I needed to change my spending. I needed to get a grip on my finances before it got worse.

But I spent hours looking for a system to help me budget as a bartender. I searched and searched with no real luck.

EVERYTHING wanted me to set a budget based on 

Income – Expenses.

But I didn’t know how much income I was making.

So I set out to document my journey of paying off debt and figuring out how to budget with a cash, irregular income.

Thus, The Savvy Sagittarius was born.

I paid off $36,500 in debt in 2 years as a bartender.

Now my goal is to empower others to take charge of their money and stop waiting for their “career” or “big girl jobs.”

Templates Included in the Savvy budget Workbook:

– Design Your Dream Life
– Setting Financial Goals (Long Term and Monthly)
– Review Your Last 30 Days of Spending
– Emergency Fund, Sinking Fund, and Debt Pay Off Tracking Charts
– Printable Cut Out Cash Envelope
– Figure Out Your Fixed Expenses
– Create a Debt Pay Off Plan
– 30+ Money Saving Tips
– Monthly Budget Spreadsheet
– Income, Spending, and Debt Tracking Sheets
– Spending Analyzer
– Net Worth Worksheet
-Yearly Spending Overview

In my first month of budgeting, I paid off $1,500 in debt.

What if you started today? 

What if.. your first month you only paid off $500 in debt.

Or saved $500 for an emergency fund.

In one year.. That is $6,000.

What could $6,000 do for your life in one year. 

If you had $500 extra a month, what could you do?

Would you take a vacation?

Pay off debt?

Put some in savings?

Pay for Christmas all in cash (And go all out)?

Schedule a little self care hair/ spa day?

Whatever it is.. my average client has had about $400 in expenses they didn’t need/know about. Some more.. some less.

if people had 10% more money available to them..
they could live out their life calling

Call me a little crazy, but I believe that we are all put on Earth for a purpose. We are meant to make an impact on other people we come into contact with.

But making an impact is really hard when you are worried about tomorrow’s car payment.

If people just had 10% more money available (spending less & making more), they could give more. Not just in money,  but in their time and skills.

Get your workbook now

It has never been easier to start figuring out
your finances today! Start budgeting and live your best life!

Frequently Asked Questions

No, it is a printable workbook that you get IMMEDIATE access to after purchasing. I know what it is like to order something (eh.. fitness gear) when you are super motivated and then wait 3-5 business days to receive it in the mail. I did not want that to be the case.

This workbook is functional with any digital editing app (I like GoodNote). Or available to print as many times as you would like. 

The best part about the workbook being all digital is that you can use it as many times as you would like. You have unlimited downloads from the shop, but you also just have total access to printing it over and over again.

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